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The opportunity of adversity | Aimee Mullins– “The thesaurus might equate “disabled” with synonyms like “useless” and “mutilated,” but ground-breaking runner Aimee Mullins is out to redefine the word. Defying these associations, she shows how adversity — in her case, being born without shinbones — actually opens the door for human potential.” Click here to watch video. (Video) (22 min.)

Inspiration porn and the objectification of disability: Stella Young at TEDxSydney 2014– “Stella Young is a comedian, disability advocate and Editor of ABC’s Ramp Up website, the online space for news, discussion and opinion about disability in Australia.” Click here to watch video. (10-min. video)

NOT SPECIAL NEEDS– “Ask yourself: what “special needs” does a person with Down syndrome really have?” Click here to watch video. (2-min. video)

We’re The Superhumans | Rio Paralympics 2016 Trailer– ” 3-minute trailer for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.” Click here to watch video. (3-min. video)

Disability Sensitivity Training Video– Learn about microaggressions that disabled people face daily. Click here to watch video. (4-min. video)

When we design for disability, we all benefit: Elise Roy at TEDxMidAtlantic – Hear from a disability rights lawyer and design thinker who lost her hearing talk about it as being one of her biggest blessings. Click here to watch the TedTalk and learn more about inclusive innovation. (13-min. video)

WomanHood & Disability Podcast | Episode: “Special Edition: Disability Justice”Click here to listen to the full podcast on disability justice. (25-min. podcast)

Disabled People in the World in 2021: Facts and Figures – Learn more about different kinds of disabilities and global statistics on them from accessibility expert Lise Wagner by clicking here. (webpage)

What is ableism?” Click here to learn about ableism and how to navigate tough conversations through this link to an outreach project dedicated to dealing with the disconnect between the disability community and the liberal, progressive, and left activist scene. (webpage)

Ableism | Click here to learn more about different kinds of models of disabilities: the “medical model of disability” and “social model of disability.” You can also find additional videos, history, statistics, and history of disability in America. (article and infographic)

What is neurodiversity? | Amanda Morin | Understood. Neurodiversity is a viewpoint that brain differences are normal, rather than deficits. Neurodiverse people experience, interact with, and interpret the world in unique ways. This concept can help reduce stigma around learning and thinking differences. Click here to read more. (article with additional resources)

Awareness and Allyship: It’s a New Day for Neurodiversity | Ariane Resnick | Very Well Mind. From increased awareness to more diagnoses, neurodiversity has our attention. Click here to learn more. (article)