Monthly Archives: January 2018

ShareBailee Warsing was an intern of the inaugural Ameren Accelerator 2017 program and you can read more about her experience in this post. Bailee, could you tell us a little bit about you? I am a sophomore and my major is in computer science. I am also part of the Honors College, I serve as the Vice President of the Environmental Adventure Organization and previously I was part of the Emerging Leaders Program. How did you hear from the Ameren Accelerator Internship? UMSL Accelerate had a table at an Honors College event and Ala Al-Lozi told me about this opportunity and […]

Bailee’s Experience with Ameren Accelerator

ShareWhich came first: The chicken or the egg? For many recent college graduates, this question seems less like a fun riddle and more like a harsh reality in employment: They need experience to get a job, but they need a job to get experience. Related: How Student Loan Debts Are Crushing Millennial Entrepreneurialism A degree, unfortunately, is often not enough to gain a job in their preferred field. And with mounting student loan debt looming, many are forced to take jobs unrelated to their degrees. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Bureau of Labor, as of […]

3 Steps to Attracting the Brightest Recent Grads to Your ...