Category Archives: Information & Updates

Winding Down Women’s History Month, Winding Up for Action!

As we come to the end of the month, we wanted to thank you all for your support of the diverse programming that led to a wonderfully successful Women’s History Month. A special thank you to the Office of Student Involvement for the coordination of the events this month.

Throughout the month, programs focused on hearing women’s voices, allowing opportunities for storytelling, mentoring, sharing, and concluded with celebrating the Trailblazers and our UMSL staff. Despite shifting to a virtual format this year, we were elated with the attendance and participation from campus partners across the institution and from the greater community as well.  Click here if you missed the ceremony or want to watch it again! 

 As we continue to focus on women’s accomplishments, goals, and the obstacles we still face, we acknowledge that one month is not enough to capture the full richness of women’s lives. As such, we encourage you to explore and this resource guide, 10 Ways to Advance Women & Gender Equality (click to download PDF)

This concise guide provides helpful links and offers advice for everyone across the gender spectrum on how to better support women, achieve equity, and fair treatment. We hope you will find it useful and encourage you to share with your networks as well. Additionally, please reach out to the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Gender Studies program to get involved with next year’s Women’s History Month programming and women-focused programming throughout the year.

 Thank you again for celebrating women throughout the month of March and in your everyday work and lives. 

Are you wondering how to be more inclusive and supportive of our LGBTQ+ community?

In honor of LGBTQ+ History Month, ODEI partnered with Gender Studies and Student Involvement to create a resource sheet for you to take action to help make our campus and society more affirming and inclusive of our LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff, colleagues, friends, and family!  Please download and share 10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community and share!

10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community
10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community

DOWNLOAD: 10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community

University’s response to the Executive Order

The University of Missouri-St. Louis is committed to engaging in conversations that reinforce our commitment to creating a culture in which the campus community feels valued. In order to address the executive order, a team consisting of representatives across the system have been charged with reviewing trainings, programming, etc. that currently exists at each institution.

However, this change will not impact our training for the Fall semester ( Additionally, we have some great panel discussions coming up in the next few weeks (information will be posted to the blog shortly) and we hope you will attend as well.

Dr. Tanisha Stevens
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

ODEI 2020/2021 Professional Development

Click here to download the ODEI Professional Development 2020-2021 flyer

In order to build a welcoming and inclusive campus environment and to fulfill our educational and strategic mission as a global university, faculty and staff at all institutional levels must have the awareness, knowledge, and skills to work effectively with diverse coworkers, students, and other constituents.

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) supports this imperative through professional development opportunities to develop and enhance cultural competence.

We hope you and your colleagues will join us for some engaging and thought-provoking discussions!

Click here for details and registration.

Inclusive Teaching Tips

While online teaching and learning can be challenging for faculty and students alike, research has shown that students from underrepresented groups often face additional challenges. By implementing inclusive teaching practices, faculty can create classroom and online learning environments where ALL student feel like they belong and can learn at high levels.  To this end, UMSL’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Center for Teaching and Learning have teamed up to provide you with some inclusive teaching practices and resources.  Your continued efforts and thoughtfulness towards helping transform our students’ lives are so very appreciated by all! Thank you!


We also invite you to listen to this episode of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast about fostering inclusion  featuring our very own Dr. Marlo Goldstein Hode!


Message from the Interim Director

ODEI joins in the collective outrage over the unjustifiable killings of African Americans and people of color, most recently in the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. Social injustices and the impact of systemic racism weighs heavy and takes a toll on us mentally and physically. The immediate question is how we at the university respond when our campus community is experiencing feelings of anger, hurt, grief, and fear…I believe that the first step is acknowledgement and affirmation of those experiences and to provide the space to do so.

I was reminded of a post that stated “When HATE is loud, LOVE must not be silent.” To this end, ODEI has created the UMSL CommUNITY Conversation Series, to provide virtual and in-person forums for continued dialogues. The first event-“Virtual Gathering for Racial Unity” is scheduled for Thursday, June 18, 2020 from 12:00 pm-1:30 pm. The facilitated panel discussion will allow individuals to come together in order to process, share and listen.

ODEI is committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice and action. ODEI partners with individuals, offices, and departments across campus to collaborate on diversity and inclusion initiatives. Additionally, we are providing virtual opportunities for faculty and staff to engage and learn throughout the summer and will continue to expand our curriculum to be responsive to our current context. We also have developed a robust set of resources to facilitate learning and awareness about self and others; to help individuals and departments have conversations about race; and to increase understanding and usage of inclusive language. As new content and learning opportunities develop, we will share them in our new (soon to be launch) blog.

Each of us has a passion and a purpose. I encourage you to ask what you can do individually and collectively to help our community.



Dr. Tanisha Stevens
Interim Director, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion