Category Archives: Training & Professional Development

Learn how to support student veterans!

Join colleagues from across campus for Green Zone training! 

March 22, 2022 from 10:00-11:30 am in ABH 103

Space is limited. Registration required. Click here to register. 

This interactive program will educate staff and faculty on military and veteran culture;  provide information on how to support student veterans; and highlight what our student veterans bring to the UMSL community.  Participants in this session will learn :

    • basic military terminology, structure, and a brief overview military culture as well as the unique subcultures of each branch of service.
    • the strengths/benefits that student veterans bring to campus and the challenges that they face.
    • ways to support student veterans at UMSL ranging from interactions inside/outside the classroom to struggles with VA benefits.
    • about the Veterans Center and what is offers students, staff, and faculty as well as what makes us stand out in our STL community.


  • Joshua Evans, Coordinator/VA Certifying Official
  • Robin Kimberlin, Associate Director of Student Advocacy and Care

Questions? Contact Joshua Evans

ODEI Resources & Professional Development-Spring 2022

As we return to campus and start the new semester’s endeavors of transforming the lives of our students, it is also a good time to start planning our personal growth & transformation through diversity, equity, and inclusion learning and professional development opportunities.   ODEI offers a variety of resources and workshops to meet the needs of various learning styles and interests.

Implicit Bias Series –  Being able to recognize our unconscious biases and not act upon them is a key competence area for managers, supervisors, and anyone else who is concerned with fairness and equity in the workplace.  This research-based series will help participants better understand what implicit biases are, how they function, and how to mitigate their impact in our decisions and behaviors.   Individual who complete the series will earn the Advanced Skills in Unconscious Bias BadgeAll sessions take place on Fridays via  Zoom from 10-11:30 am. 

January 28         Part 1Getting to know our amygdala

February 4         Part 2: Understanding the impact of fast thinking on decision-making

February 11       Part 3: Strategies for mitigating and overriding implicit bias

DEI in the Academic Workplace (Level 2) Overcoming Obstacles to Inclusion –  This is second min-course in the 3-part series, but you can participant in this session even if you have not yet completed level 1 (you can do that next time it is offered).  This series can be taken synchronously (zoom discussions  starting Feb 1) or asynchronously (Canvas discussions starting January 31).

ODEI Percipio Video Collection –  Percipio offers a massive collection of videos, books, and podcasts on a variety of workplace topic.  Visit the ODEI channel to view a set of short videos and courses that will support your learning and growth in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

ODEI Learning Resources –  A curated set of online multimedia resources on a multitude of topics including cultural competency, implicit bias, privilege, mindfulness and much more!  You can access these resources on any device, at any time, no log-in required (so you can also share with your broader community!).

Chancellor’s Certificate in Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion –  The Chancellor’s Certificate in Workplace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) is a highly interactive, cohort-based,  online professional development program that explores the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.  This non-credit bearing program is open to all professionals in the Greater Saint Louis community. UMSL employees & alumni, as well as employees of non-profit organizations are eligible for a $150 discount.

Please contact Dr. Marlo Goldstein Hode ( with any questions.

Introducing the Chancellor’s Certificate in Workplace DEI for the St. Louis Community

UMSL’s Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is launching its first-ever professional development program open to professionals in the St. Louis community!

The Chancellor’s Certificate in Workplace Diversity, Equity & Inclusion  is a highly interactive, fully online, non-credit bearing professional development program that explores the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.  Participation in this program will help prepare individuals to:

  • be advocates and leaders around diversity and inclusion issues
  • work more effectively with people from different backgrounds
  • make workplaces more welcoming and inclusive for everyone!

This credential will be of value in any job sector including business, education, public service, healthcare, etc.

Click here to learn more!

Green Zone Training is back!

In honor of Veteran’s Day, the UMSL Veterans Center is proud to bring back Green Zone training, an interactive program that will help you better understand militarily culture, the student veterans on our campus, how to support them, and all the strength and experience they bring to the UMSL  community.

Tuesday November 23, 2001 from 10:00-11:30 in Anheuser-Busch Hall.

Space is limited and registration is required. Click here to register.

Inclusive Language Series Available on Percipio!

The ODEI just wrapped up another thought-provoking Inclusive Language Series.  This series provided an opportunity to learn about currently appropriate and affirming terminology as well as the reasoning behind why these terms are generally preferred.  Thanks to the gracious agreement of the presenters and attendees, these sessions were recorded are now available for your learning pleasure on Percipio!

Click here to access the video series (UMSL or UM System login required)


DEI in the Academic Workplace

ODEI is launching a new program this fall for faculty and staff.  The program is based on the curriculum for Diversity 101 and is divided into three mini-courses.  The curriculum is designed to help participants develop the awareness, knowledge, and skills for building a more inclusive working and learning environment in the academic workplace context.

It is recommended, but not required, that you complete all three levels in consecutive order.  If you have previously completed Diversity 101, the material will be a review (which is always good), but you are invited to participate (with a new cohort!) and earn the digital badges for each mini-course in this series.

Each micro-course involves videos, activities, optional resources for deeper learning, and discussions with peers.  There are two options for participation: virtual conversations on Zoom or online discussions on Canvas.

Registration is now open for   Level One:   Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Foundations


OPTION 1: September 20  – October 15, 2021   Discussions on Canvas   (on your own schedule, meeting weekly deadlines)    REGISTER HERE                       

OPTION 2:   October 20, November 3, November 17, and December 1         Discussions on Zoom   WEDNESDAYS  12 – 1pm   REGISTER HERE     

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month | The Women's Community, Inc.

In our current climate of remote learning, zoom meetings, Tik-Tok, twitter and other platforms of social media, people are connecting more online than ever before. Since we aren’t connecting face-to-face as much, we must create pathways for respectful online spaces with consent. We must always consider how our actions might make another person feel and ask questions.

Since our face-to-face interactions are limited due to social distancing, we do not have the benefit of those body language cues that can indicate  how someone is feeling – the eye contact or lack of eye contact, for example. It is more important than ever to develop new ways to recognize others’ boundaries and give them space to recognize our boundaries as well. When we do this, we shift from making assumptions which provides clearer communication.

What can we do to show respect for ourselves and for others in practicing consent? Here are a few ideas:
➢ It is never okay to try to unlock someone else’s phone without
permission or look through their text.
➢ If you share a device with someone, log out of accounts that you do
not have permission to use.
➢ Ask permission before posting a photo of someone else on social
media and before reposting or resharing something personal.
➢ Let a friend know you would like to video chat, specifically, rather
than assuming they know.
➢ Respect the decisions of others once you have asked. It is never
okay to coerce or pressure someone – if someone says no after you
ask for digital consent, respect their choice and move on.
➢ Ask each time – even if your partner agreed to something before,
they are not obligated to agree again.

April 24th is Consent Day – we’ve heard “rumor” of a counter movement circulating. The Title IX & Equity Office will be hosting an Online Consent and Boundaries Workshop April 29th.

We invite you to join us next week by registering:

Your Title IX Office is available for you whenever you need us. Please let us know if you have questions or require resource information.

Dana Beteet Daniels, Title IX Coordinator
Jessica Swederske, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

ODEI Spring 2021 Professional Development Calendar

As we wrap up this historic Fall 2020 semester, it’s time to start thinking ahead to the Spring!  ODEI is offering a full schedule of learning opportunities for all levels and time schedules.


Do you really want to help make a difference and move the needle towards inclusive excellence at UMSL?

These professional development opportunities are most impactful and effective when a critical mass of people within a department or work unit engages in this learning together.   Learning together provides a framework and shared understanding of diversity & inclusion concepts that can be used as a springboard for action.

Space is limited, so you are encouraged to register early.

Click here for information and registration.

You can also download the ODEI Professional Development Catalog Spring 2021 to share with your colleagues and keep as a reference.

LGBTQ+ History Month Starts Today!

The ODEI kicks off our 2020 celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month with a professional development opportunity to learn about using inclusive language to help make our campus and society more affirming of our LGBTQ+ colleagues, students, friends, and family!

More events and opportunities forthcoming. Stay tuned! In the meantime…

Join us on October 7, 2020 from 10-11:30am! Register here. 

This session will provide you with an opportunity to learn about currently appropriate terminology as well as the reasoning behind why these terms are generally preferred. This will be a safe space to ask questions, voice concerns, and share your experiences. If you register, but are unable to attend, you will receive a video recording of the session.

Presented with Nicholas Palisch, Director of Student and Alumni Services in the College of Optometry and Lynn M. Staley, Teaching Professor, Department of English, Specialist in Gender and Interdisciplinary Studies.

Registration with an or email is required. Thank you!