Are you wondering how to be more inclusive and supportive of our LGBTQ+ community?

In honor of LGBTQ+ History Month, ODEI partnered with Gender Studies and Student Involvement to create a resource sheet for you to take action to help make our campus and society more affirming and inclusive of our LGBTQ+ students, faculty, staff, colleagues, friends, and family!  Please download and share 10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community and share!

10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community
10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community

DOWNLOAD: 10 Ways to create a more inclusive campus for LGBTQ + Community

Diversity Alliance Interview Series with Dr. Dana Klar

To celebrate Indigenous People’ Day, we kicked off our Diversity Alliance Interview series by interviewing a member of the United Houma Nation, Dr. Dana Klar, Assistant Teaching Professor in Child Advocacy Studies.

Dr. Klar talks about how her work has shifted during a double pandemic, explains the importance of anti-racism training, explores her experience as a Member of the United Houma Nation of southeast Louisiana and how she incorporates her connection with Indigenous People’ into service learning for students in her Cultural Advocacy class. You won’t want to miss this conversation!

#UMSLProud #Diversity #TransformingLives

University’s response to the Executive Order

The University of Missouri-St. Louis is committed to engaging in conversations that reinforce our commitment to creating a culture in which the campus community feels valued. In order to address the executive order, a team consisting of representatives across the system have been charged with reviewing trainings, programming, etc. that currently exists at each institution.

However, this change will not impact our training for the Fall semester ( Additionally, we have some great panel discussions coming up in the next few weeks (information will be posted to the blog shortly) and we hope you will attend as well.

Dr. Tanisha Stevens
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Domestic Violence Awareness Month


Domestic Violence Awareness Month pictureThis is a friendly reminder from the Title IX and Equity team that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  While many of us continue to work and study from home, it is important to remember and assist those who remain in unsafe situations at home.  All campus employees, who do not have the expectation of confidentiality, are mandated reporters per 600.020 of the Collected Rules and Regulations. 

Click here to download the Title IX and Equity brochure with campus and Picture of Title IX Brochurecommunity resources

For anyone needing domestic violence resources (for themselves or others), please feel to reach out to the Title IX and Equity Office within the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  Dana and Jessica are both happy to assist in any way they can.


LGBTQ+ History Month Starts Today!

The ODEI kicks off our 2020 celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month with a professional development opportunity to learn about using inclusive language to help make our campus and society more affirming of our LGBTQ+ colleagues, students, friends, and family!

More events and opportunities forthcoming. Stay tuned! In the meantime…

Join us on October 7, 2020 from 10-11:30am! Register here. 

This session will provide you with an opportunity to learn about currently appropriate terminology as well as the reasoning behind why these terms are generally preferred. This will be a safe space to ask questions, voice concerns, and share your experiences. If you register, but are unable to attend, you will receive a video recording of the session.

Presented with Nicholas Palisch, Director of Student and Alumni Services in the College of Optometry and Lynn M. Staley, Teaching Professor, Department of English, Specialist in Gender and Interdisciplinary Studies.

Registration with an or email is required. Thank you!

ODEI Allies are Awarded for Inclusive Excellence

ODEI is proud to celebrate three campus leaders who were awarded for excellence in their endeavors to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion on UMSL’s campus and beyond.  These leaders are critical partners to our office and our collective efforts to work towards inclusive excellence.  Learn more about their amazing work below.

Dr. Marie Mora – Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Dr. Mora was honored for her efforts along with 11 other recipients of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. “It’s a tremendous honor – and a humbling one – to be recognized along with these other inspiring mentors,” Mora said. “This recognition also confirms my fundamental belief in how one person can make a difference to improve lives, especially when we reach positions to be able to help others achieve the goals they set for themselves. I have devoted a significant part of my career to increase diversity, access and inclusion in the economics profession, in other STEM fields, and in higher education more broadly.”

Click here for full story

Dr. Natissia Small – Assistant Provost for Access and Academic Support

Dr. Natissia Small will serve as the principal investigator for the new $1.3 million TRIO Student Support Services grant intended for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds – low-income individuals, first-generation college students and individuals with disabilities – as they progress from middle school through to post-baccalaureate programs. Its objective is to increase, by at least 5 percent, the rates at which students persist from one academic year to the next, remain in good academic standing and ultimately earn their degrees. ““We are excited to receive the SSS grant award as it will provide us the opportunity to further meet a unique group of transfer student populations to be served,” Small said. “The TRIO SSS funding allows us to further expand our efforts in meeting academic and non-academic needs of students to overcome barriers that impede degree completion.”

Click here for full story

Dr. Jerome Morris – E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor of Urban Education

Dr. Morris was named the recipient of the Lyle M. Spencer Research Award. Morris has studied the impact of school reforms, as well as the links between race, social class and the geography of educational opportunities and Black communities in the South for more than 20 years. He will use the $1 million prize to investigate his theory of communally bonded schooling in three local school districts. “What I’m hoping from this work is that from studying these communities, we will have a better sense of those factors that are conducive to inform this communally bonded model,” Morris said. “Some of the work I’ve done was based on elementary schools. Now, I’m incorporating middle and high schools into that theoretical research. We will have a better sense of what communally bonded schools look like.”

Click here for full story

Congratulations for these well-deserved accolades and many thanks for all that you do to support diversity, equity, and inclusion at UMSL!


The Black Futurity Reading Group Invites You to Join us in a Virtual Discussion

Dear UMSL Faculty, Staff, and Students,

The Black Futurity Reading Group invites you to join us in a virtual discussion of microaggressions and black life through excerpts from Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric.

When: Wednesday, September 30th at 1 pm

Where: Via Zoom, passcode: 805948

Reading: Citizen: An American Lyricexcerpts

Additional note: There are several Situation videos that correspond to section vi of Citizen. We will discussion Situation Video 1. For questions, contact  Kimberly Welch (

ODEI 2020/2021 Professional Development

Click here to download the ODEI Professional Development 2020-2021 flyer

In order to build a welcoming and inclusive campus environment and to fulfill our educational and strategic mission as a global university, faculty and staff at all institutional levels must have the awareness, knowledge, and skills to work effectively with diverse coworkers, students, and other constituents.

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) supports this imperative through professional development opportunities to develop and enhance cultural competence.

We hope you and your colleagues will join us for some engaging and thought-provoking discussions!

Click here for details and registration.

Inclusive Teaching Tips

While online teaching and learning can be challenging for faculty and students alike, research has shown that students from underrepresented groups often face additional challenges. By implementing inclusive teaching practices, faculty can create classroom and online learning environments where ALL student feel like they belong and can learn at high levels.  To this end, UMSL’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Center for Teaching and Learning have teamed up to provide you with some inclusive teaching practices and resources.  Your continued efforts and thoughtfulness towards helping transform our students’ lives are so very appreciated by all! Thank you!


We also invite you to listen to this episode of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast about fostering inclusion  featuring our very own Dr. Marlo Goldstein Hode!