Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month | The Women's Community, Inc.

In our current climate of remote learning, zoom meetings, Tik-Tok, twitter and other platforms of social media, people are connecting more online than ever before. Since we aren’t connecting face-to-face as much, we must create pathways for respectful online spaces with consent. We must always consider how our actions might make another person feel and ask questions.

Since our face-to-face interactions are limited due to social distancing, we do not have the benefit of those body language cues that can indicate  how someone is feeling – the eye contact or lack of eye contact, for example. It is more important than ever to develop new ways to recognize others’ boundaries and give them space to recognize our boundaries as well. When we do this, we shift from making assumptions which provides clearer communication.

What can we do to show respect for ourselves and for others in practicing consent? Here are a few ideas:
➢ It is never okay to try to unlock someone else’s phone without
permission or look through their text.
➢ If you share a device with someone, log out of accounts that you do
not have permission to use.
➢ Ask permission before posting a photo of someone else on social
media and before reposting or resharing something personal.
➢ Let a friend know you would like to video chat, specifically, rather
than assuming they know.
➢ Respect the decisions of others once you have asked. It is never
okay to coerce or pressure someone – if someone says no after you
ask for digital consent, respect their choice and move on.
➢ Ask each time – even if your partner agreed to something before,
they are not obligated to agree again.

April 24th is Consent Day – we’ve heard “rumor” of a counter movement circulating. The Title IX & Equity Office will be hosting an Online Consent and Boundaries Workshop April 29th.

We invite you to join us next week by registering:

Your Title IX Office is available for you whenever you need us. Please let us know if you have questions or require resource information.

Dana Beteet Daniels, Title IX Coordinator
Jessica Swederske, Deputy Title IX Coordinator