David Gellman

Perhaps you want to use Voicethread in your class but you aren’t sure exactly what this tool does. Well, you gain knowledge about this product for the low cost of nothing. Yep it’s true you just have to register and give up an hour of your day and you’ll gain […]

Voicethread Learning

Borrowed from an email that went out to the UMSL Campus ->   We have a couple of reminders to make seeing Canvas courses easier for you and your students: Reminder 1: Publish Your Course for Students  A friendly reminder to publish your Canvas courses by Monday, August 23. A […]

Making Canvas Courses Visible

Thought we might pass this on to those that are having troubles with Firefox. There are the usual troubleshooting things like clearing cache, rebuilding profiles, the usual. It’s always intriguing when the ideas they give you work. Kind of neat, right? So we had a user that did this and […]

Firefox Fixes

Borrowed from an email that went out to the UMSL Campus: To access your fall 2021 courses in One Canvas you will need to have completed your FERPA training as well. To align processes among the four UM System universities, it is important to note that all Primary instructors, Secondary […]

FERPA Tutorial

If you have questions about Panopto please contact the Office of eLearning and we can help you out. Email keeplearning@umsystem.edu or any of the new email addresses for our office. Hope some of this information helps you out. Let’s start with some dates: The Panopto video migration will begin Tuesday, […]


Ah Google Chrome extensions, as long as you don’t go too crazy with the extensions they can be great tools. Take Wappalyzer as an example. This extension will give you a bunch of information about the webpage/site that you are visiting. What was the page built in: Drupal, WordPress, Wix, […]

Chrome Plugin – Wappalyzer