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UMSL had an undergraduate student Max Leible and graduate student Daniel Redden who participated in the Math and Computer Science section of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the of Missouri Academy of Science at Lincoln University of Missouri in Jefferson City, Missouri.

Math and Computer Science Oral Presentations

*Redden, Jr, D. SECURING YOUR SMART DEVICE. Device security has become one the hottest topics in today’s society. Millions of consumers own or have access to a smart device that not only allows them to communicate verbally with another party but has the ability to be a carry their financial and personal information around with them. The concern today is if the device is secured. Securing your smart device should be of great concern for all consumers because of the potential goldmine of data that a thief or hacker can accumulate from such device. This discussion will talk about ways to secure your smart device and ways to protect oneself from the potential disaster a breach can cause on an individual’s life.

*Dawson, M., J. Wright, M. Omar. University of Missouri -St. Louis MOBILE DEVICES: THE CASE FOR CYBER SECURITY HARDENED SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO ADDRESS SECURITY RELATED ISSUES. Mobile devices are becoming a method to provide an efficient and convenient way to access, find and share information; however, the availability of this information has caused an increase in cyber attacks. Currently, cyber threats range from Trojans and viruses to botnets and toolkits. Presently, 96% of mobile devices do not have preinstalled security software while approximately 65% of the vulnerabilities are found within the application layer. This lack in security and policy driven systems is an opportunity for malicious cyber attackers to hack into the various popular devices. Traditional security software found in desktop computing platforms, such as firewalls, antivirus, and encryption, is widely used by the general public in mobile devices. Moreover, mobile devices are even more vulnerable than personal desktop computers because more people are using mobile devices to do personal tasks. This review attempts to display the importance of developing a national security policy created for mobile devices in order to protect sensitive and confidential data. Results of this review provide methods to address security related issues in mobile devices.

*Dawson, M., M, Leible. University of Missouri -St. Louis. OSINT EXPLOITATION OF UNIVERSITY TWEETS. With the rise of Web 2.0, Twitter has become a tool of choice for universities looking to increase their digital footprint. However there is not much guidance given into the protections of these tweets or the secure integration of Twitter into other Web 2.0 applications. As the debate for cyber threats continue to increase, these tweets must be protected and delivered in a manner that protects the sender. Explored in this report are the methods, which Twitter, and its data can be exploited for nefarious use.

Download the abstracts at 2016 MAS ALL Abstracts Final