Free Microsoft 365 Training Courses

MU Division of IT is offering free Microsoft 365 training courses to faculty, staff, and students across the UM System. You can sign up for scheduled training sessions, book private/group training, or watch recordings from previous sessions. Training sessions are just 30-60 minute sessions. Read more or find a list of courses at M365 DoIT Training Website.

Also, if you are interested in joining a couple of Teams groups, the following options are available:

  • Teams Talk TWOsday which meets the 2nd Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. each month. They discuss what’s new or coming soon from Microsoft, then highlight an app/feature with M365 and offer a question-and-answer session.
  • There is also the MU M365 Training Team. They keep everyone apprised of their trainings and have a channel where people can ask and answer Microsoft questions that they may have.