How To Master LinkedIn Like Coca-Cola

By: Brittney Hager
Coca-Cola Blog Post Photo.jpg
LinkedIn is a social network that has been around for a while, but has recently become an important professional networking site for companies to share much of the content that they create. It is important that you do not get LinkedIn confused with other social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, because LinkedIn is a very different story.
LinkedIn is known for their professional setting and goals. They expect their customers to use their pages to advance themselves or their brands in a career-oriented setting, instead of posting the latest selfie to rack up some likes like it happens on many other social networking sites. One company that is doing this well is The Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola, which was rated #1 on Hubspot’s “12 Businesses With Fantastic LinkedIn Company Pages”, has mastered how to use their LinkedIn page to push out great content and increase their workforce. Here are a few ways how Coca-Cola is mastering LinkedIn.
Clear and Recognizable Profile Page
The Coca-Cola Company’s profile page includes their famously recognizable logo as their profile picture, and a cheerful collage of Coca-Cola pictures for their cover photo. Their “About Us” section includes a well-written description of the company and some goals that they strive to maintain. Also included in this section is affiliated and showcased pages. Information on the location of their headquarters, company size, and the company’s website can also be found here. All of this information gives viewers a clear idea of what this company is about.
Interesting and Informative Content
Coca-Cola does a great job of including posts that highlight the future of their company and fun information for upcoming product launches and campaigns, such as their “Share a Coke” campaign posts. This type of content is great for consumers that are interested in the company’s successes, future growth, and potential new products.
Including a Career Page Tab
Having a “Job” tab creates a great opportunity for consumers to become a part of your company. On The Coca-Cola Company’s Job tab, there are links for “Jobs that match your skills” and “Jobs Recently Posted”. This makes it easy for potential applicants to see what positions that they might be good at, or what new positions are there to be filled. There are also “Employee Insights” on the same page which include information such as places where the company offices are located, seniority and education levels, and some job skills that are required to work for the company. These things are all very convenient for potential applicants to know before diving into the hiring process.
Utilizing these areas of LinkedIn could increase awareness and keep consumers connected on a more professional level with your company. It could also increase your chances to find potential employees that may be a great fit for your company.