The Division of Continuing Education at the University of Missouri–St. Louis has a new name: School of Professional & Continuing Studies.

“It was determined that the ‘School of Professional & Continuing Studies’ would more accurately reflect the nature of our work, the constituents with whom we work, and better align us with our peers and our related professional organizations,” said Wm. Thomas Walker, dean of PCS.

Through PCS, the colleges and centers at UMSL administer a wide variety of credit courses, noncredit programs and problem-oriented research for the benefit of the people of the greater St. Louis metropolitan area and beyond. PCS extends the educational resources of UMSL at times and locations, in formats and through technologies that best meet the needs of the lifelong learner.

PCS programs are offered both on and off campus and online, and they are designed to help people improve their business and technical skills, further their education, pursue a variety of interests and encounter new possibilities. A vast array of programs, workshops, conferences and more help individuals and organizations attain their educational goals.

Credit courses offered through PCS can apply toward undergraduate and graduate degrees at UMSL. Noncredit courses, conferences and seminars are offered to meet the continuing education needs of adults and organizations. Off-campus courses are offered in various locations in the St. Louis area and beyond, including the West County Continuing Education Center/Computer Education & Training Center in Town and Country, Mo., St. Louis Community College at Wildwood and Forest Park, St. Charles (Mo.) Community College, South County Education & University Center in St. Louis County, Mineral Area College in Park Hills, Mo., and Jefferson College in Hillsboro, Mo.

The PCS mission is to facilitate lifelong learning to help improve the quality of life of the residents of the St. Louis metropolitan area and beyond. PCS has been an integral part of the campus mission since the campus was founded in 1963. Originally formed as an “extension division” to the University of Missouri–Normandy Residence Center, the division became Continuing Education-Extension in the late 1960s, then Continuing Education & Outreach in the late 1980s, and finally the Division of Continuing Education in the mid-2000s. Each iteration in name tried to capture the varied activities encompassed by the division, while remaining current to national names and public recognition.

“Despite the new name, rest assured that we remain steadfast in our mission to extend the resources of the UMSL campus by providing degree completion, professional development, and personal enrichment programming to the citizens of the St. Louis region,” Walker said.

Call 314-516-5961 or visit for more information about the School of Professional & Continuing Studies, including upcoming courses, programs and events.
