Eye on UMSL: Put to the test

by | Oct 3, 2022

Business major Robert "Otto" Ottinger drags a sled across the lawn outside the Recreation and Wellness Center last Tuesday during the UMSL Combat Fitness Test Competition.

Robert "Otto" Ottinger drags a sled across the lawn outside the Recreation and Wellness Center during the UMSL Combat Fitness Test as Joseph Kalter grades his performance.

Sophomore business major Robert “Otto” Ottinger drags a sled across the lawn outside the Recreation and Wellness Center last Tuesday at the University of Missouri–St. Louis while competing in the UMSL Combat Fitness Test Competition, organized by staff members in UMSL Veterans Center. Instructor Joseph Kalter (at left) graded his performance.

Ottinger, a retired Naval aircrewman, was among 19 competitors taking part in one of three competitions: a school competition featuring teams from UMSL, Lindenwood and St. Louis Community College’s Forest Park campus; an inter-office competition; and an individual student competition. Each competitor had to complete a half-mile sprint, an ammo-can lift and maneuver-under-fire test.

The UMSL tandem of Robert Hall and Hayley Perrin took second in the school competition. Lieutenant David Woods delivered a victory for the UMSL Police Department in the inter-office competition, posting the highest overall score. Amin Paschal Jr. won the individual student competition, completing both the sprint and maneuver-under-fire tests in under 3 minutes.

This photograph was taken by UMSL photographer August Jennewein and is the latest to be featured in Eye on UMSL.

Eye on UMSL: Cave exploring

UMSL’s Environmental Adventure Organization participates in a variety of adventures throughout the year including caving, hiking, picnics, ice skating, bonfires and camping.