Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
The university kicked off an initiative to help name the Geospatial Collaborative’s agile mobile robotic dog from Boston Dynamics.
For more than 20 years, St. Louis has become home to thousands of Bosnian refugees. Recognizing this influence, Eastern European filmmaking was given prominent placement in the recent St. Louis International Film Festival, with the University of Missouri–St. Louis playing a significant supporting role.
For more than 20 years, St. Louis has become home to thousands of Bosnian refugees. Recognizing this influence, Eastern European filmmaking was given prominent placement in the recent St. Louis International Film Festival, with the University of Missouri–St. Louis playing a significant supporting role.
For more than 20 years, St. Louis has become home to thousands of Bosnian refugees. Recognizing this influence, Eastern European filmmaking was given prominent placement in the recent St. Louis International Film Festival, with the University of Missouri–St. Louis playing a significant supporting role.