The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 spurred Chikako Usui to create an exchange program between St. Louis and Ishinomaki, Japan, one of the hardest-hit areas.
The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 spurred Chikako Usui to create an exchange program between St. Louis and Ishinomaki, Japan, one of the hardest-hit areas.
The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 spurred Chikako Usui to create an exchange program between St. Louis and Ishinomaki, Japan, one of the hardest-hit areas.
The devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 spurred Chikako Usui to create an exchange program between St. Louis and Ishinomaki, Japan, one of the hardest-hit areas.
UMSL Global team members kicked off Global Triton Welcome, a weeklong orientation to help new international students get acclimated ahead of the spring semester.