“Try to Kiss a Girl” is the story of 11-year-old Patrick Cantwell escaping the oppressive heat of St. Louis in the summer for the breezy shores of Lake Michigan.
“Try to Kiss a Girl” is the story of 11-year-old Patrick Cantwell escaping the oppressive heat of St. Louis in the summer for the breezy shores of Lake Michigan.
“Try to Kiss a Girl” is the story of 11-year-old Patrick Cantwell escaping the oppressive heat of St. Louis in the summer for the breezy shores of Lake Michigan.
“Try to Kiss a Girl” is the story of 11-year-old Patrick Cantwell escaping the oppressive heat of St. Louis in the summer for the breezy shores of Lake Michigan.
Makeba is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in communication, while Tanys, her daughter, is working toward her master’s degree in social work.