LATEST IN Stephanie McDonald
CHERP leads South Campus prairie garden planting

CHERP leads South Campus prairie garden planting

A team of University of Missouri–St. Louis students and faculty members recently planted a prairie garden that was meant to be more than a sprucing up of South Campus. Part of a prairie restoration project, the planting will partially return the land to its appearance...

CHERP leads South Campus prairie garden planting

A team of University of Missouri–St. Louis students and faculty members recently planted a prairie garden that was meant to be more than a sprucing up of South Campus. Part of a prairie restoration project, the planting will partially return the land to its appearance...

CHERP leads South Campus prairie garden planting

A team of University of Missouri–St. Louis students and faculty members recently planted a prairie garden that was meant to be more than a sprucing up of South Campus. Part of a prairie restoration project, the planting will partially return the land to its appearance...

Pierre Laclede Honors College develops scholars
Pierre Laclede Honors College develops scholars

Personal and academic successes are the cornerstones of the Pierre Laclede Honors College at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. The honors college encourages its undergraduate students to cultivate their creative capacities through independent study, supervised...

Pierre Laclede Honors College develops scholars

Personal and academic successes are the cornerstones of the Pierre Laclede Honors College at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. The honors college encourages its undergraduate students to cultivate their creative capacities through independent study, supervised...

Pierre Laclede Honors College develops scholars

Personal and academic successes are the cornerstones of the Pierre Laclede Honors College at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. The honors college encourages its undergraduate students to cultivate their creative capacities through independent study, supervised...

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