Forty years after “The Rocky Horror Show” debuted on a London stage the musical continues to be a fan favorite. Much of the fanfare flamed by the 1975 film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which generated a worldwide cult following.
Forty years after “The Rocky Horror Show” debuted on a London stage the musical continues to be a fan favorite. Much of the fanfare flamed by the 1975 film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which generated a worldwide cult following.
Forty years after “The Rocky Horror Show” debuted on a London stage the musical continues to be a fan favorite. Much of the fanfare flamed by the 1975 film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which generated a worldwide cult following.
Forty years after “The Rocky Horror Show” debuted on a London stage the musical continues to be a fan favorite. Much of the fanfare flamed by the 1975 film “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which generated a worldwide cult following.
Pellegrini’s fascinating life and career path, from Turkey to UMSL with several stops along the way, has prepared her to lead the Executive DBA Council.