A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
Based in Clearwater, Florida, the company is known for its playful illustrations, from ocean animals to rainbows, florals and holiday imagery.