The recognition is the latest sign of appreciation (from left) Erica Marshall, Elonda Robinson and Rochelle Little have received since colleague Veronica Williams’ sudden death in April.
The recognition is the latest sign of appreciation (from left) Erica Marshall, Elonda Robinson and Rochelle Little have received since colleague Veronica Williams’ sudden death in April.
The recognition is the latest sign of appreciation (from left) Erica Marshall, Elonda Robinson and Rochelle Little have received since colleague Veronica Williams’ sudden death in April.
The recognition is the latest sign of appreciation (from left) Erica Marshall, Elonda Robinson and Rochelle Little have received since colleague Veronica Williams’ sudden death in April.
Weeden-Smith was honored along with 12 other individuals, one nonprofit and one for-profit company at the Business Journal’s annual awards luncheon at the Bayer Event Center at the Missouri Botanical Garden.