Comic books produced by Dan Younger’s students in Comics and Cartoon Illustration will be preserved by the Cartoon Museum of London.
Comic books produced by Dan Younger’s students in Comics and Cartoon Illustration will be preserved by the Cartoon Museum of London.
Comic books produced by Dan Younger’s students in Comics and Cartoon Illustration will be preserved by the Cartoon Museum of London.
Comic books produced by Dan Younger’s students in Comics and Cartoon Illustration will be preserved by the Cartoon Museum of London.
Look back at some of UMSL Daily’s top stories from the past year.
The comic books generated by an art class are also available for purchase at the UMSL Bookstore and Star Clipper.
The comic books generated by an art class are also available for purchase at the UMSL Bookstore and Star Clipper.
The comic books generated by an art class are also available for purchase at the UMSL Bookstore and Star Clipper.
Dan Younger’s photography is the subject of his first solo St. Louis show in more than 20 years. It will be on display Feb. 7 to May 17 at the Sheldon Art Galleries.
Dan Younger’s photography is the subject of his first solo St. Louis show in more than 20 years. It will be on display Feb. 7 to May 17 at the Sheldon Art Galleries.
Dan Younger’s photography is the subject of his first solo St. Louis show in more than 20 years. It will be on display Feb. 7 to May 17 at the Sheldon Art Galleries.