Choral studies director grabs gold, twice

by | Aug 5, 2009

Jim Henry (pictured), director of choral studies at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, is a member of two choral groups that won gold medals July 3 at the 71st annual international convention of the Barbershop Harmony Society in Anaheim, Calif.
Jim Henry

Jim Henry

Jim Henry (pictured), director of choral studies at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, is a member of two choral groups that won gold medals July 3 at the 71st annual international convention of the Barbershop Harmony Society in Anaheim, Calif.

Under Henry’s direction, the St. Charles, Mo.-based, 160-voice Ambassadors of Harmony won the international barbershop chorus for the second time since first winning in 2004. Crossroads, a group in which Henry sings bass, also won the international barbershop quartet contest after finishing second last year. Each member of the quartet hails from a different state and has received a gold medal with other quartets in the past. “I’m the only person in history to have won in the same year with both a quartet and a chorus,” Henry said in a St. Louis Post-Dispatcharticle. “I have to admit, it was pretty exciting.”
