The Urban Land Institute will unveil development ideas for the UMSL South MetroLink station during presentation at 8:30 a.m. April 17 at UMSL. (Photo by August Jennewein)

A five-story hotel, retail space and mixed residential and student housing are some of the development ideas proposed for the UMSL South MetroLink station at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.

Citizens for Modern Transit in partnership with Metro will host the presentation from the Urban Land Institute St. Louis chapter on the possibilities for development near the UMSL South MetroLink Station during a panel event at 8:30 a.m. April 17 in Century Rooms A & B at the Millennium Student Center at UMSL.

The ULI carried out a Technical Assistance Panel for the Metro station. Participants included local experts on land use, policy and development. The group spent two days analyzing the opportunities for the UMSL South station, interviewing stakeholders and developing a plan to move development forward. The panel will discuss the results of the TAP study.

Below is the list of panelists for the event:

• Andy Barnes, IMPACT Strategies – TAP Chair
• Andrew Gulotta, attorney, Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale
• Kent Evans, vice president/brokerage, Intelica
• Amos Harris, principal, Spinnaker St. Louis
• Laura Radcliff, senior vice president, public finance, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company
• Rachael Witt, executive director, South Grand Community Improvement District

Additional media coverage:
KSDK (Channel 5)


Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America
Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

Associate Teaching Professor Tim Abeln showed students how to make picadillo de chayote during a National Foreign Language Week event hosted by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies.

Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

Associate Teaching Professor Tim Abeln showed students how to make picadillo de chayote during a National Foreign Language Week event hosted by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies.

Eye on UMSL: A Taste of Latin America

Associate Teaching Professor Tim Abeln showed students how to make picadillo de chayote during a National Foreign Language Week event hosted by the Department of Language and Cultural Studies.