John-Mark Scott, a sophomore accounting major at UMSL, is a scholarship recipient. UMSL donors have created 19 scholarships that will be offered for the first time this fall. (Photo by August Jennewein)
University of Missouri–St. Louis students will have 19 new scholarship options to help pay for school this fall thanks to university donors and a program established by Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon and implemented by the University of Missouri System.
The Need-Based Endowed Scholarship Matching Program was created last year when the governor released $1.1 million from state lottery proceeds to the UM System. The money would help establish 55 endowed, need-based scholarships for undergraduate students at the system’s four campuses.
In order to capture the scholarship dollars from the state, the individual campuses had to secure matching private funds. In the end, each endowed scholarship would total $40,000 – $20,000 from the state and $20,000 from private donors.
Based on the financial needs of its student body, UMSL was allotted 19 of the 55 scholarships from the UM System, and throughout the 2012-13 academic year, fundraisers in UMSL’s Division of University Advancement successfully cultivated matching donations, raising $380,000 in all.
“We did it, thanks to our amazing donors,” said Brenda McPhail, associate vice chancellor for development at UMSL. “We found donors for each of our 19 scholarships, which will be awarded annually in perpetuity to eligible students starting in the fall.”
And earlier this spring, McPhail learned the scholarship program would be expanded. The UM System announced that UMSL has up to 35 new scholarships to endow by April 30, 2014. McPhail said funding more than 30 additional endowed scholarships in one year will be challenging but she believes the university can do it.
“This match program is an amazing opportunity for donors to create a named scholarship and double their money,” she said. “It’s yet another way for someone to give back to UMSL, while helping a student in need.”
Just like the first round of 19 scholarships, donors must contribute increments of $20,000 to be eligible for the $20,000 matching funds.
For Terry and Stan Freerks, the Need-Based Endowed Scholarship Matching Program was an opportunity they couldn’t pass up. After learning about the first round of the program, the Freerks created two scholarships in honor of the educations they received at UMSL. Terry Freerks earned a bachelor’s degree in history in 1977, and Stan Freerks earned a master’s degree in business administration in 1992.
Both scholarships are housed in the Pierre Laclede Honors College. The first is designated for an undergraduate majoring in history. The second is for a business major.
And the Freerks aren’t stopping there. When the 35 new scholarship opportunities became available to endow this year, the couple agreed to contribute an additional $120,000 to create a full-ride scholarship in the honors college.
“This is a terrific opportunity to have your money make a significant impact on a student,” Terry Freerks said. “We feel very strongly that the honors college speaks to the academic excellence of the student.”
For more information on the Need-Based Endowed Scholarship Matching Program, please contact Brenda McPhail at 314-516-6503 or bmcphail@umsl.edu.
The 2012-2013 Need-Based Endowed Scholarship Matching Program scholarships are:
• Akerson Nursing Scholarship created by Dorothy and Alan Akerson
• Branahl Family Scholarship created by Erwin and Adeline Branahl
• College of Education Leadership Scholarship created by Friends of the College of Education
• Davis-Johnson Family Scholarhsip in Political Science II created by Patrick Gadell and Marietta Abele
• Fine Arts and Communication Matching Scholarship created by Friends, Faculty and Staff of the College of Fine Arts and Communication
• Glen Hahn Cope Scholarship in Nursing created by Mary E. Walker
• International Business Studies Matching Scholarship created by Friends of International Business
• Lyle and Charlene Brizendine College of Business Administration Scholarship created by Lyle and Charlene Brizendine
• Marie Morheuser Casey Scholarship created by Marie Casey and Kenn Entringer
• Mark Burkhart College of Business Administration Scholarship created by Mark Burkhart
• Maureen Hoffman Nursing Scholarship created by Charlie and Maureen Hoffman
• Nidec Motor Corporation Engineering Scholarship created by Nidec Motor Corporation
• Pierre Laclede Honors College Leadership Council Endowed Scholarship Fund created by the Pierre Laclede Honors College Leadership Council
• Pre-Law Advisory Council Scholarship created by Friends of the Pre-Law Advisory Council
• Richard Earl “Dick” Davis Family Memorial Scholarship created by Davis Family
• Shirley A. Martin Nursing Scholarship created by Friends and Alumni of the College of Nursing
• Stanley and Terry Freerks Honors College Business Administration Scholarship created by Stan and Terry Freerks
• Stanley and Terry Freerks Honors College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship created by Stan and Terry Freerks
• UMSL Alumni Association “Show Me Success” Endowed Scholarship created by UMSL Alumni Association