The UMSL Jubilee Moonlight Ramble

Your connection to the University of Missouri–St. Louis could get you a free ride. In the UMSL Jubilee Moonlight Ramble on Aug. 17, that is.

UMSL has teamed up with organizers of the annual Moonlight Ramble to celebrate their mutual 50th birthdays. The result promises to be a spectacular event, especially if you are a UMSL student, faculty, staff or alumni cyclist.

UMSL family members who sign up before Aug. 9 can register free. Visit the special UMSL Jubilee Moonlight Ramble page and enter the code: UMSLJUBILEE. Registration costs run from $10 to $50 and proceeds will benefit HI-USA and Kingdom House.

This year’s ramble begins at Busch Stadium Parking Lot C at 8th and Cerre streets in St. Louis at the southwest corner of the stadium. The staging area will open at 9 p.m. for registration and packet pickup. A vendor village will offer food, refreshments and an array of bicycle paraphernalia.

The UMSL Jubilee Moonlight Ramble will then begin at midnight. The route is always a top secret, but registered bicyclists will receive a map at the event. There are two routes to choose from – 10.5 miles and 18.5 miles. All participants will receive a glow-in-the-dark T-shirt. Riders are required to wear helmets and comply with all city of St. Louis bicycle regulations. The traditional after-party for riders includes snacks and drinks and will run from 1 to 3 a.m.

The UMSL Jubilee Moonlight Ramble is open to all ages, but riders under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required of all participants. The deadline for UMSL advance registration is Aug. 9. Packets can be picked up at participating businesses throughout the region.

For more information on the ramble, contact Emmis Communications at 314-613-7966 or 

Maureen Zegel

Maureen Zegel

Eye on UMSL: Showing off a new coat

UMSL’s newly renamed agile mobile robot dog, Titan, displayed a new look at last Tuesday’s Spring Involvement Jamboree in the Millennium Student Center.