Benjamin Torbert, associate professor of English at UMSL, discusses uptalk and other styles of speech on KTVI.
The University of Missouri–St. Louis makes a significant impact on the St. Louis area. Stories about the university, its scholars and their expertise are often covered by local and national news media. Media Coverage highlights some of the top coverage, but does not serve as a comprehensive listing.
Katelin Albers, a second-year optometry student, was featured Dec. 30 in the OptometryStudents.com article “A day in the life – UMSL optometry.”
Joella Beekman-Durphy, a senior elementary education major, was featured Dec. 4 in The (Washington) Missourian article “Book drive to benefit classroom libraries at Coleman Elementary.”
Kathleen Sullivan Brown, associate professor of educational leadership and policy studies, was quoted Dec. 11 in the MSNBC article “Missouri school busing causes ‘crippling’ fallout.”
Alan Byrd, dean of enrollment services, was quoted Dec. 27 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “St. Louis Community College slashes tuition rates for undocumented students.”
Perry Drake, assistant teaching professor of marketing, was quoted Dec. 10 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “LockerDome seeks fans beyond the sports world.” Drake was quoted Dec. 15 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Purina leads pack with personalized social media.”
Nicole Ethridge, a second-year optometry student, wrote the Dec. 30 in the OptometryStudents.com article “A day in the life – UMSL optometry.”
Thomas Eyssell, associate dean and director of graduate studies in the College of Business Administration, was featured Dec. 13 in the St. Louis Business Journal article “Q&A: Thomas Eyssell.”
Drew Garwood, a third-year optometry student, was featured Dec. 30 in the OptometryStudents.com article “A day in the life – UMSL optometry.”
Ashley Gezella, a fourth-year optometry student, was featured Dec. 30 in the OptometryStudents.com article “A day in the life – UMSL optometry.”
Matt Grant, a senior art major, was featured Dec. 26 in the St. Louis Magazine article “Seven questions with Matt Grant.”
Matt Henry, assistant teaching professor of music, was featured Dec. 13 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Musica SLESA heats up the season.”
Farida Jalalzai, associate professor of political science, was quoted Dec. 14 in The New York Times article “On Election Day, Latin America willingly trades machismo for female clout.”
Charles Korr, professor emeritus of history, wrote the USA Today article “Nelson Mandela saw sport as a way to connect S. Africans.” Korr was quoted Dec. 5 in The New York Times article “Mandela embraced the power of sports for resistance and unity.” He was interviewed Dec. 11 in the KPLR (Channel 11) segment “Nelson Mandela’s impact on sports.” Korr was interviewed Dec. 11 for the KTVI (Channel 2) segment “Author speaks about new book, ‘More Than Just a Game: Soccer Versus Apartheid.” He was interviewed Dec. 14 for the KPLR segment “How Mandela inspired St. Louisans.”
Joseph Martinich, professor of operations management, was quoted Dec. 14 on the on the KCPT (Channel 19) (Kansas City, Mo.) video “MARC Awards Luncheon 2013.”
Alumnus Brian Owens, BM 2008, was featured on the Dec. 13 episode of “Cityscape,” a program on St. Louis Public Radio and The Beacon.
Patricia Parker, E. Desmond Lee Professor in Zoological Studies, was quoted Dec. 31 the BBC News article “Avian malaria threatens Galapagos bird species.”
J. Martin Rochester, Curators’ Teaching Professor of Political Science, wrote the Dec. 11 St. Louis Jewish Light article “Can we value both the individual and the community?”
Alumnus Steve Schankman, BGS 1991, was featured Dec. 26 in the Ladue (Mo.) News article “Ladue Lips.”
Rebecca Schuman, adjunct instructor in the Pierre Laclede Honors College, wrote the Dec. 2 Slate.com article “Trader Joe has a brother. He’s even better.” Schuman wrote the Dec. 5 Slate.com article “The strange case of Professor Veldhuis.” She wrote the Dec. 13 Slate.com article “The end of the college essay.” Schuman wrote the Dec. 13 Slate.com article “Are graduate students at private schools ’employees’?”
Norman Seay, retired director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, was featured Dec. 12 in The St. Louis American article “Norman Seay is White House-bound.”
Todd Swanstrom, the E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor of Community Collaboration and Public Policy Administration, was quoted Dec. 24 in the St. Louis Public Radio and The Beacon article “On the trail: New block grant process shifted power, stirred tensions.”
Kenneth Thomas, professor of political science, was quoted Dec. 6 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “State uses fairy-tale numbers to justify Boeing subsidy.” Thomas was quoted Dec. 10 in the St. Louis Business Journal article “Boeing’s ‘bake-off’ for tax breaks continues.” He was quoted Dec. 9 in The Wall Street Journal article “Boeing holds bake-off for biggest tax breaks.” Thomas as quoted Dec. 11 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial “That darned data! Corporate subsidies don’t work.” He was quoted Dec. 10 in the St. Louis Business Journal article “Boeing’s ‘bake-off’ for tax breaks continues.” Thomas was quoted Dec. 13 in the NPR story “States settle into wooing war with bids for Beoing plane plant.” He was quoted Dec. 12 in the National Journal article “Why states should stop courting Boeing.” Thomas was quoted Dec. 16 in the Business Record article “Study: States get little return for economic development incentives.” He was quoted Dec. 16 in the Fortune magazine article “Corporate tax giveaways are not worth the trouble.”
Benjamin Torbert, associate professor of English, was interviewed Dec. 18 for the KTVI (Channel 2) segment “Why do we sound like ‘Valley Girls?’”
Chancellor Emeritus Blanche Touhill was featured in the December St. Louis Magazine article “Golden years: A conversation with Blanche Touhill.”
Betty Van Uum, assistant to the provost for public affairs and economic development, was quoted Dec. 5 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article “Friends of Norman Seay, St. Louis civil rights veteran, arrange meeting with President Obama.” Van Uum was quoted Dec. 12 in The St. Louis American article “Norman Seay is White House-bound.”
Glen Vest, adjunct instructor for continuing education and outreach, was featured Dec. 11 in The St. Louis American article “SLPS names STEM Teacher of the Year.”
Sean Visintainer, curator of the Herman T. Pott National Inland Waterways Library at the St. Louis Mercnatile Library, was featured in “Bright Young Librarians” in the December issue of Fine Books and Collections magazine.
Jim Widner, director of jazz studies, was quoted Dec. 5 in The Edwardsville (Ill.) Intelligencer article “Greater St. Louis Jazz Festival planned.”
Richard Wright, Curators’ Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, was quoted Dec. 10 in the KTVI (Channel 2) story “FBI seeing spike in bank robberies during holidays.”
Ron Yasbin, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was quoted Dec. 9 in the St. Louis Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU story “New UMSL undergrad science education facility to promote interactive learning.”
Nicholas Zahn, a first-year optometry student, was featured Dec. 30 in the OptometryStudents.com article “A day in the life – UMSL optometry.”