Eye on UMSL: First bloom

by | Mar 5, 2017

In front of the Thomas Jefferson Library, a small tree’s flowers blossom, uncurling their petals to the sun and spring-like warmth this early March.

Eye on UMSL: First bloom

In front of the Thomas Jefferson Library at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, a small tree’s flowers blossom, uncurling their petals to the sun and spring-like warmth this early March.

The tree marks some of the first blooms on campus, including the beginning of alumni Tom and Becky Minogue’s relationship. Bought by the Minogues to commemorate the spot where Tom asked Becky on their first date in 1974, the apricot tree continues its own celebration of their love. The Minogues will be married 40 years this summer.

This photograph was taken by UMSL photographer August Jennewein and is the latest to be featured in Eye on UMSL.

The UMSL Experience
