What to expect when returning to campus for the fall semester

by | Aug 17, 2020

Campus photographer August Jennewein captured scenes of the signage, protocols and space modifications that will greet people when classes begin next week.
We practice social distancing

Students, faculty and staff returning to campus will find signs reminding them about the importance of socially distancing and other protocols such as face covering requirements to ensure the safest environment possible as classes resume for the fall semester. (Photos by August Jennewein)

There will be plenty of excitement next week as students, faculty and staff return to campus for the start of the fall semester at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. While we look to a safe start to the semester, there is likely some uncertainty as everyone adjusts to a new normal in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an effort to visually share some of the safety expectations we have for the fall, campus photographer August Jennewein collected scenes of the signage, protocols and space modifications people will see across campus this semester to give everyone an idea of what to expect. Please visit the Start Safe. Stay Safe. website for details on all the protocols established to protect the health, safety and well-being of members of the campus community and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


UMSL face mask

All students, faculty, staff and visitors are required to wear a face covering when entering or occupying campus buildings and facilities. Face coverings are also required on campus shuttles and when outdoors and unable to maintain a minimum physical distance of 6 feet or more – or if otherwise required by public health order.


Social distancing on MSC Bridge

Maintaining social distancing of at least 6 feet is the best way to avoid exposure to the coronavirus.


Did you wash your hands?

Signs have been placed in campus restrooms to remind us all of the importance of frequent hand washing. It is recommended to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating and after blowing the nose, coughing or sneezing.


Faculty face shields

Faculty members have been equipped with clear face shields to protect themselves and their students while leading in-class instruction, and classrooms have been configured to allow students to safely socially distance while in attendance.


MSC entrance

How to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Signs have been placed at the entrances of campus buildings, throughout the hallways and in public spaces to remind people of the safety expectations regarding face coverings and social distancing as well as other steps to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


Triton store, Mask Required

Hand sanitizing stations have been placed in all high traffic areas around campus, including at the entrance to the Triton Store in the Millennium Student Center.


Tritons walk in one direction

Keep your distance

Signs on the floors in buildings such as the Social Sciences and Business Building will guide the flow of traffic in hallways as well as remind people to maintain safe distancing.


Seating in The Nosh

There will be limited seating in The Nosh and the Pilot House in the MSC to allow members of the campus community to dine while maintaining social distancing. These spaces have been arranged with only one seat per table. There will not be open seating in Café TJ or in the Provincial House Dining Hall, and those locations will be operating for take-out only.

Campus dining facilities, including The Nosh and Provincial House Dining Hall, also will be making use of Sodexo’s BITE app this fall. The app will allow individuals to pre-order and pre-pay – using both credit and debit cards or their meal plans.

There will also be a Simply to Go location set up in the Quarters space in The Nosh to allow students to pick up salads, sandwiches and other prepared meals without having to enter the existing retail space.


Waiting in line at Einstein Brothers

Signs and barriers have been placed to guide people on maintaining safe distance will while waiting in line at offices and facilities including The Nosh and Einstein Brothers Bagels in the MSC.


Studying in the Quad

Members of the campus community should maintain social distancing even when sitting in the Quad or other outdoor spaces and wear a face covering when unable to maintain a 6 foot physical distance from others when outdoors.


Custodial staff disinfecting surfaces

Members of the custodial staff will clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces around campus frequently. In addition, all classroom spaces will be cleaned in between each in-person class.


Study spaces

Furniture has been carefully arranged in our classrooms and in shared spaces such as the Millennium Student Center to allow for social distancing. Please do not move furniture or seating in these spaces as it has been placed to ensure safe social distancing.

For additional information, visit the Start Safe. Stay Safe. website.

Steve Walentik

Steve Walentik

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