Nkazimulo “Kazi” Sibanda

Information Systems and Technology student Nkazimulo “Kazi” Sibanda holds up his vaccination card in the Millennium Student Center Century Rooms at the University of Missouri–St. Louis on Wednesday. He received the COVID-19 vaccination at on campus in a clinic run by the St. Louis County Department of Public Health that runs through the end of July.

Sibanda decided to get vaccinated because of the convenience of receiving the shot at UMSL.

“It’s at a familiar place you’re already used to,” he said. “I think that’s good for a lot of students. I’ve been working an internship this summer, so I haven’t had time to do a lot of things. When I found out UMSL was offering vaccines, it was just too good an option to miss.”

Hailing from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Sibanda is interning this summer with Clayco and hopes to go into programming after graduation. He’s expecting to wrap up his undergraduate degree this fall before matriculating into UMSL’s MS in Information Systems and Technology program.

“There’s a lot of variety that you learn in info systems and tech,” Sibanda said. “It gives me the freedom to choose what career path I want to pursue.”

This photograph was taken by UMSL photographer August Jennewein and is the latest to be featured in Eye on UMSL.

For more information about vaccinations, visit stlcorona.com.

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