The acclaimed poet will also give a public reading at 7 p.m. April 25 at UMSL at Grand Center during his stay in St. Louis.
The acclaimed poet will also give a public reading at 7 p.m. April 25 at UMSL at Grand Center during his stay in St. Louis.
The acclaimed poet will also give a public reading at 7 p.m. April 25 at UMSL at Grand Center during his stay in St. Louis.
The acclaimed poet will also give a public reading at 7 p.m. April 25 at UMSL at Grand Center during his stay in St. Louis.
Makeba is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in communication, while Tanys, her daughter, is working toward her master’s degree in social work.
The widespread impact of the Great Depression was felt throughout the United States. For a recent panel discussion that aired on C-SPAN, University of Missouri–St. Louis historian Adell Patton examined the effect of the epic financial crisis on a specific segment of the U.S. population: rural African Americans.
The widespread impact of the Great Depression was felt throughout the United States. For a recent panel discussion that aired on C-SPAN, University of Missouri–St. Louis historian Adell Patton examined the effect of the epic financial crisis on a specific segment of the U.S. population: rural African Americans.
The widespread impact of the Great Depression was felt throughout the United States. For a recent panel discussion that aired on C-SPAN, University of Missouri–St. Louis historian Adell Patton examined the effect of the epic financial crisis on a specific segment of the U.S. population: rural African Americans.