Sharlee Climer, Aimee Dunlap, Kailash Joshi, Trey Kidd, Lynda McDowell, Jennifer Siciliani, Alina Slapac, Ann Steffen and Adriano Udani have been granted time to devote to research or course development.
Sharlee Climer, Aimee Dunlap, Kailash Joshi, Trey Kidd, Lynda McDowell, Jennifer Siciliani, Alina Slapac, Ann Steffen and Adriano Udani have been granted time to devote to research or course development.
Sharlee Climer, Aimee Dunlap, Kailash Joshi, Trey Kidd, Lynda McDowell, Jennifer Siciliani, Alina Slapac, Ann Steffen and Adriano Udani have been granted time to devote to research or course development.
Sharlee Climer, Aimee Dunlap, Kailash Joshi, Trey Kidd, Lynda McDowell, Jennifer Siciliani, Alina Slapac, Ann Steffen and Adriano Udani have been granted time to devote to research or course development.
UMSL Global team members kicked off Global Triton Welcome, a weeklong orientation to help new international students get acclimated ahead of the spring semester.
Chelsey Wilks discussed suicide prevention with KSDK (Channel 5), and Ann Steffen authored an article on treating older adults for the National Council on Aging.
Chelsey Wilks discussed suicide prevention with KSDK (Channel 5), and Ann Steffen authored an article on treating older adults for the National Council on Aging.
Chelsey Wilks discussed suicide prevention with KSDK (Channel 5), and Ann Steffen authored an article on treating older adults for the National Council on Aging.
The mental health center offers several options, including individual services and support group meetings, to assist patients dealing with the lingering effects of the disease.
The mental health center offers several options, including individual services and support group meetings, to assist patients dealing with the lingering effects of the disease.
The mental health center offers several options, including individual services and support group meetings, to assist patients dealing with the lingering effects of the disease.
Professor Ann Steffen is leading the sessions designed for adults ages 50 and older who were hospitalized with the disease.
Professor Ann Steffen is leading the sessions designed for adults ages 50 and older who were hospitalized with the disease.
Professor Ann Steffen is leading the sessions designed for adults ages 50 and older who were hospitalized with the disease.
The programs originate from Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Marie Mora and the Office of Research Administration.
Psychology students and faculty have created an online resource called the Sandwich Generation Diner to help those caring for aging family members.
Rochelle Henderson, UMSL alumna and director of health services research at Express Scripts, explains the research area in the Express Scripts Technology and Innovation Center in Berkeley, Mo. The building, located just north of UMSL, houses the company’s pharmacy and distribution center. Henderson, who earned a doctoral degree in political science from UMSL in 2010, led a tour of the facility July 26, which was attended by several members of the UMSL community. They included (from left, seated) Brenda McPhail, associate vice chancellor or advancement for development; Natissia Small, assistant dean of students and head of precollegiate programs, Julie Kraemer, coordinator in the Office of Career Services; Susan Lee, associate director of development; (from left, standing) Pat Dolan, special assistant to the vice chancellor of academic affairs; Deb Godwin, director of development; Linda Cater, associate vice chancellor for alumni relations; Ron Yasbin, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; and Ann Steffen, associate professor of psychology.
Described by fellow faculty members as a "teacher's teacher," Ann Steffen is a passionate and committed educator and...