A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
A film produced by Kelly Gregory and Thom Pancella, both of MIMH at UMSL, will be screened Feb. 12 at the Picture This… Film Festival in Calgary, Canada.
In 11 years with Johnna Murray as the faculty advisor, UMSL’s Beta Alpha Psi chapter, Gamma Psi, has been awarded Gold status 10 times and Distinguished status once.