Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
UMSL Global team members kicked off Global Triton Welcome, a weeklong orientation to help new international students get acclimated ahead of the spring semester.