Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
Tom Roedel, Gretchen Haskell and David Gellman gathered for an episode of their weekly Thursday morning show “Tech Sludge” on The U, UMSL’s community radio station.
Earlier this week, the university was honored for excellence in nonpartisan student voter engagement and campus turnout in the 2022 midterm elections.