UMSL criminologist named ASC Fellow

Janet Lauritsen is the fourth faculty member from the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice to earn the distinction.

UMSL psychology scholar named SIOP fellow
UMSL psychology scholar named SIOP fellow

Therese Macan, associate professor of psychology at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has been named a fellow in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology for her outstanding and unique research contributions to the field of...

UMSL psychology scholar named SIOP fellow

Therese Macan, associate professor of psychology at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has been named a fellow in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology for her outstanding and unique research contributions to the field of...

UMSL psychology scholar named SIOP fellow

Therese Macan, associate professor of psychology at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, has been named a fellow in the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology for her outstanding and unique research contributions to the field of...

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