LATEST IN Great Streets Project
Normandy mayor recognized for service to UMSL
Normandy mayor recognized for service to UMSL

Patrick Green, mayor of Normandy, Mo., has worked together with the University of Missouri–St. Louis on a number of community improvement projects. For his efforts, he was recognized with the Presidential Citation Award for Outstanding Service to UMSL on Nov. 30 at the Alliance Awards Dinner in Columbia, Mo.

Normandy mayor recognized for service to UMSL

Patrick Green, mayor of Normandy, Mo., has worked together with the University of Missouri–St. Louis on a number of community improvement projects. For his efforts, he was recognized with the Presidential Citation Award for Outstanding Service to UMSL on Nov. 30 at the Alliance Awards Dinner in Columbia, Mo.

Normandy mayor recognized for service to UMSL

Patrick Green, mayor of Normandy, Mo., has worked together with the University of Missouri–St. Louis on a number of community improvement projects. For his efforts, he was recognized with the Presidential Citation Award for Outstanding Service to UMSL on Nov. 30 at the Alliance Awards Dinner in Columbia, Mo.

MORE IN Great Streets Project
Chancellor announces Monsanto gift, redesign of Natural Bridge

Chancellor announces Monsanto gift, redesign of Natural Bridge

With a $1 million gift to the University of Missouri–St. Louis, Chancellor Tom George announced the Monsanto Company will fund a community education center in the university’s new building in Grand Center. George also announced funding of the “transformative” redesign of a portion of Natural Bridge Road from Hanley to Lucas and Hunt roads that runs through the campus in North County.