Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
Hari Secic, a Bosnian student studying at UMSL, directed the documentary “Harvard Man,” which will be shown at the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.
UMSL Global team members kicked off Global Triton Welcome, a weeklong orientation to help new international students get acclimated ahead of the spring semester.