LATEST IN information systems major
Eye on UMSL: Sumo students

Eye on UMSL: Sumo students

UMSL seniors Hasib Ibradzic and Abdul-Kariem Mattenzzi stepped inside sumo suits and into the ring to wrestle recently at UMSL’s Millennium Student Center.

Eye on UMSL: Sumo students

UMSL seniors Hasib Ibradzic and Abdul-Kariem Mattenzzi stepped inside sumo suits and into the ring to wrestle recently at UMSL’s Millennium Student Center.

Eye on UMSL: Sumo students

UMSL seniors Hasib Ibradzic and Abdul-Kariem Mattenzzi stepped inside sumo suits and into the ring to wrestle recently at UMSL’s Millennium Student Center.

Eye on UMSL: An international welcome

UMSL Global team members kicked off Global Triton Welcome, a weeklong orientation to help new international students get acclimated ahead of the spring semester.

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