LATEST IN moral beliefs
Economist pens book on morality, economics

Economist pens book on morality, economics

Have you ever wondered whether a society’s moral beliefs might affect the way its economy functions or its general level of prosperity? A new book by a University of Missouri–St. Louis economist explores these questions. In “The Moral Foundation of Economic Behavior,”...

Economist pens book on morality, economics

Have you ever wondered whether a society’s moral beliefs might affect the way its economy functions or its general level of prosperity? A new book by a University of Missouri–St. Louis economist explores these questions. In “The Moral Foundation of Economic Behavior,”...

Economist pens book on morality, economics

Have you ever wondered whether a society’s moral beliefs might affect the way its economy functions or its general level of prosperity? A new book by a University of Missouri–St. Louis economist explores these questions. In “The Moral Foundation of Economic Behavior,”...

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