Newman will enter UMSL’s MEd counseling program this fall after earning a BA in Spanish.
Newman will enter UMSL’s MEd counseling program this fall after earning a BA in Spanish.
Newman will enter UMSL’s MEd counseling program this fall after earning a BA in Spanish.
Newman will enter UMSL’s MEd counseling program this fall after earning a BA in Spanish.
Wurl, who works with St. Louis Children’s Choirs and the Des Lee Fine Arts Education Collaborative, is student teaching at Barretts Elementary in Manchester during his final semester at UMSL.
Lauren Huebner will study abroad in Limerick, Ireland, for a semester, while Nicole Newman will study in Barcelona, Spain, for a semester.
Lauren Huebner will study abroad in Limerick, Ireland, for a semester, while Nicole Newman will study in Barcelona, Spain, for a semester.
Lauren Huebner will study abroad in Limerick, Ireland, for a semester, while Nicole Newman will study in Barcelona, Spain, for a semester.