The end came swiftly. Swish! The University of Missouri–St. Louis Tritons men’s basketball team closed its most successful season in 21 years with a 72-70 loss at the hands of Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights).

The end came swiftly. Swish! The University of Missouri–St. Louis Tritons men’s basketball team closed its most successful season in 21 years with a 72-70 loss at the hands of Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights).
The end came swiftly. Swish! The University of Missouri–St. Louis Tritons men’s basketball team closed its most successful season in 21 years with a 72-70 loss at the hands of Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights).
The end came swiftly. Swish! The University of Missouri–St. Louis Tritons men’s basketball team closed its most successful season in 21 years with a 72-70 loss at the hands of Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights).
Students had an opportunity to learn about faculty-led study abroad trips and talk to advisors about how they could incorporate study abroad into their academic experience.