LATEST IN Pierre Laclede Honors College

Eye on UMSL: By the fire

Freshman nursing major Telisa Williams works at her computer inside the Fireside Lounge last week as snow blankets the campus.

Eye on UMSL: Honeysuckle hack
Eye on UMSL: Honeysuckle hack

Assistant Teaching Professor Meghann Humphries helps direct Pierre Laclede Honors College students working to remove invasive honeysuckle growing in the Bellerive Bird Sanctuary last Friday morning.

Eye on UMSL: Honeysuckle hack

Assistant Teaching Professor Meghann Humphries helps direct Pierre Laclede Honors College students working to remove invasive honeysuckle growing in the Bellerive Bird Sanctuary last Friday morning.

Eye on UMSL: Honeysuckle hack

Assistant Teaching Professor Meghann Humphries helps direct Pierre Laclede Honors College students working to remove invasive honeysuckle growing in the Bellerive Bird Sanctuary last Friday morning.

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