Alexei Demchenko’s research on synthesizing carbohydrates has resulted in NIH, NSF and Pfizer funding and a UMSL 2017 Senior Investigator of the Year award.

Alexei Demchenko’s research on synthesizing carbohydrates has resulted in NIH, NSF and Pfizer funding and a UMSL 2017 Senior Investigator of the Year award.
Alexei Demchenko’s research on synthesizing carbohydrates has resulted in NIH, NSF and Pfizer funding and a UMSL 2017 Senior Investigator of the Year award.
Alexei Demchenko’s research on synthesizing carbohydrates has resulted in NIH, NSF and Pfizer funding and a UMSL 2017 Senior Investigator of the Year award.
The space McCain manages offers the type of tools that Scott Morris, director of UMSL’s Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center, is excited to share with his student entrepreneurs.
Salvatore Pistorio will be a chemist II at Monsanto after recreating sugar molecules at UMSL using chemical synthesis and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.
Salvatore Pistorio will be a chemist II at Monsanto after recreating sugar molecules at UMSL using chemical synthesis and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.
Salvatore Pistorio will be a chemist II at Monsanto after recreating sugar molecules at UMSL using chemical synthesis and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.