“Blumenlieder” debuted at an event titled “Hamburger, Sauerkraut and Champagne” at the American Days festival last month in Stuttgart, Germany.
“Blumenlieder” debuted at an event titled “Hamburger, Sauerkraut and Champagne” at the American Days festival last month in Stuttgart, Germany.
“Blumenlieder” debuted at an event titled “Hamburger, Sauerkraut and Champagne” at the American Days festival last month in Stuttgart, Germany.
“Blumenlieder” debuted at an event titled “Hamburger, Sauerkraut and Champagne” at the American Days festival last month in Stuttgart, Germany.
Earlier this week, the university was honored for excellence in nonpartisan student voter engagement and campus turnout in the 2022 midterm elections.
Zachary Cairns’ new choral piece “The Land of Nod” earned kudos from the Missouri Composers Project earlier this year.
Zachary Cairns’ new choral piece “The Land of Nod” earned kudos from the Missouri Composers Project earlier this year.
Zachary Cairns’ new choral piece “The Land of Nod” earned kudos from the Missouri Composers Project earlier this year.