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Ghanaian earns degree, health from UMSL
Ghanaian earns degree, health from UMSL

Princess Rita Tamakloe has mixed feelings about ending her time at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. She’s excited to get back to her family and start her new life, but she will take with her a valuable education, eye-opening experiences and her newfound health.

Ghanaian earns degree, health from UMSL

Princess Rita Tamakloe has mixed feelings about ending her time at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. She’s excited to get back to her family and start her new life, but she will take with her a valuable education, eye-opening experiences and her newfound health.

Ghanaian earns degree, health from UMSL

Princess Rita Tamakloe has mixed feelings about ending her time at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. She’s excited to get back to her family and start her new life, but she will take with her a valuable education, eye-opening experiences and her newfound health.

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