Get to Know UMSL Supply Chain & Analytics
By Cassie Bianculli
This month the Supply Chain & Analytics department would like to feature one of our students, Daniel Sauer. Daniel is a senior at UMSL and will be graduating in December with his BA in Business Administration and an emphasis in Supply Chain Management. Daniel is a member of the Supply Chain & Transportation Club and is involved in the Supply Chain and Analytics Executive Advisory Board. Daniel is looking forward to graduating and hopes to one day be able to help other students entering the Supply Chain and Analytics field. Learn more about Daniel and read about his experience at UMSL below.
- Why are you majoring in Supply Chain & Analytics?
I took an Intro to Supply Chain class at ECC and it made me realize that Supply Chains drive the world, and it deals with so many things that I was instantly drawn towards it.
- How has the Supply Chain and Analytics Executive Advisory Board influenced your education?
The Supply Chain and Analytics Executive Advisory Board has influenced my education by providing a mentor for me to connect with and see things from their point of view. It provides you with someone who knows what is going on in the industry and it is neat to hear their stories as well. It is one of the best programs I have been involved in.
- Congratulations on landing an internship with UniGroup this summer! Can you tell us a bit about this opportunity and what you are looking forward to most?
Thank you! I am very excited about the opportunity. My title at UniGroup will be a Government Transportation Intern. This will be my first internship and it was very encouraging how fast it came together. What I am looking forward to most is how I will be able to apply what I have learned at school so far to the job and learning all I can to further my career.
- What is your favorite part about UMSL?
My favorite part of UMSL has been the teachers! I have established a good connection with the professors, and I have learned so much. I love the community that makes the Supply Chain and Analytics department what it is.
- What advice do you have for students beginning a supply chain degree?
The advice I would give is to get involved early! I used to say I was too busy to attend anything, but I took a leap of faith and got involved this year and it has paid off great for me. Don’t be afraid to connect with other students because they are probably feeling the same way you do.