UMSL Business Blog

From Niche to Network: Podcasting with Vernon Ross

Written By: Emma Wolf


Recently UMSL Business students Isaac Baker and Blake Iliff sat down with Vernon Ross, founder of Enterprise Podcaster. Enterprise Podcaster is an audio content company that works with organizations to develop unique storytelling and marketing techniques within the podcasting space. Ross also is a well-known speaker at various conferences including MDMC, which is run and hosted by UMSL Business. Throughout this podcast, students Isaac and Blake asked Ross a few questions to get an understanding of how he works within the podcasting space.


What makes podcasting so unique?
Both Isaac and Blake asked Ross questions to learn more about who Vernon Ross is and how he became immersed in the field of podcasting. Ross emphasizes while answering this question that podcasting is a lot like the radio, where you feel like you know the host. This is because the conversation is not personal to you, but you can connect with the host that is not often available when watching a video. The biggest challenge in podcasting is gaining that connection and listener ship that attracts listeners and gives you that influence. Vernon Ross brings up a common quote associated with podcasting that is it is often called ‘theater of the mind’ and he agrees.

How do you develop your podcast niche?
Baker and Iliff wondered how to develop a niche for your podcast, in other words, building what kind of content is appropriate for you and your target audience. One of the main things that Ross mentions is incredibly important when doing this is find what is relevant information. Then, it is important to look down the line and focus on what you could see yourself continue podcasting about a few years from then. A tip that would help in developing your podcast niche is to build a content calendar, this could provide assistance in choosing.

Ross leaves us with sharing a few of his favorite platforms to use when creating a podcast and what makes a podcast stand out to him specifically. The first recommendation Ross gives is to use a podcast host that has a record and has been established for years. This decision could cause a podcaster to potentially lose all their podcasts if the business were to shut down. The three hosts that Ross recommends are Blueberry, Lipson, and Podbean. Blueberry is also accessible with WordPress which is why it is well-known and popular among many. Ross says he tends to gravitate towards shorter and more to the point podcasts that are produced well and easy to listen to.

Listen to this podcast on In Your Business with UMSL Business on UMSL’s website.