Google Shared Drive Quotas

In accordance with a UM System-wide initiative to reduce Google Storage utilization and costs, the ability to self-create new Google Shared Drives will be deactivated on March 8.

If you or your department needs shared storage, Information Technology Services recommends using Microsoft Teams. If Microsoft Teams cannot meet the technical needs of your data, please contact the Technology Support Center to request a Google Shared Drive or to discuss the best option for your storage needs.

In 2022, quotas were placed on users’ personal Google My Drive storage. On April 4, quotas will also be applied to Google Shared Drives. The quota will be selected to reflect your current usage and with little room to grow. ITS encourages and highly recommends that users consider utilizing Microsoft OneDrive (5 TB of storage max) or Microsoft Teams (25 TB of storage max) instead of Google. Microsoft Teams and OneDrive also meet higher security standards for keeping data safe. As a reminder, University storage drives are strictly for university business and research data purposes. The use of University Storage for personal data is prohibited.

Important Upcoming Dates & Changes:

March 8: Self-service creation of shared drives in Google will be deactivated.

April 4: Application of quotas space restricting to existing shared drives in Google. The quota will reflect your current usage with a little room to grow.