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The Marathon Pitch

If UMSL hosts a career fair for IT. Grace Hopper hosts the North American Economic Market of careers. It was like a five hour marathon of doing the elevator pitch but there was also alot of cool things to do. Over at IBM I learned even more about some of the cool things Watson is doing. There demo about the predictive diagnosis products they offer from Watson is amazing. I got to sample one of Watson’s brownie recipes (black cherry brownies). The super computer actually came up with the recipe based on components and people’s preferences. It was like a tasty fudge bar. There were so many cool things at the IBM booth. They gave everyone a fun little personality test too that told them what their values were. I don’t think many people realized it was part of the IBM screen; but I suspect scores get better later in the week as word gets out. Checking out the VR stuff was also really cool. I know everyone was excited about the schwag but I personally eschewed it in favor of just trying to get through the most companies. I think there should be a prize if you get through them all. Like a Pokemon game.