Black women breast cancer survivors sought for study at UMSL’s College of Nursing

by | Jun 9, 2009

Black women bear a larger burden from breast cancer when compared to white women because although they experience a lower incidence, their death rate is higher.

Black women bear a larger burden from breast cancer when compared to white women because although they experience a lower incidence, their death rate is higher.

Therefore, the Black Women Breast Cancer Survivor Project at the University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Nursing is seeking black women breast cancer survivors to participate in the Long Term Quality of Life in Black Women Breast Cancer Survivors Research Project.

This Susan G. Komen for the Cure funded project asks participants to complete a series of questionnaires focusing on their life experiences before and after their cancer diagnosis. This is a non-invasive research project that pays participants a stipend upon completion.

The information gathered from the surveys will be used to help nurses and other health care professionals provide culturally-competent care to the growing diverse patient population. Margaret Barton-Burke, the Mary Ann Lee Endowed Professor of Oncology Nursing at UMSL, is overseeing the project.

“Current care is based on what we have learned from white women,” Barton-Burke said. “If we could get survivors from the African-American community to tell us what their experiences have been, we could better understand the nature and impact of breast cancer on different aspects of African-American women’s lives.”

Black women who were diagnosed with and treated for stage one, two or three breast cancer, have completed treatment, and would like to participate, should call Ebony Smith, M.P.H., project coordinator at 314-516-6074.
