Cold. Wet. But not despondent. More than 100 alumni and friends of the University of Missouri–St. Louis played in the annual Red and Gold Golf Tournament Monday at The Country Club of St. Albans. The rain-soaked golfers demonstrated tenacity and generosity, raising $58,000 for scholarships.

“This is a great event supported by great people for a great cause – student scholarships,” said Chancellor Tom George. “The constant rain didn’t seem to dampen their spirits or their commitment to our students.”

Colleen Watermon, director of constituent relations at UMSL and tournament organizer, said that the course was in great shape despite the rain and that most players enjoyed the overall experience. Ten of the 25 teams finished all 18 holes.

“Some of the players decided to start the after-round reception early,” Watermon said. “I think either way, everyone enjoyed themselves. It’s a first-class golf course and clubhouse.”

Two teams tied with a low score of 62, with the ultimate winner determined by a scorecard playoff.

The winning team consisted of Dale Hoette [BSBA 1976] of Fred Weber Inc., Roger Mathis [BSBA 1970] of Mathis Properties, Mike Corry [BSBA 1970] of The Todd Organization and Jerry Jasiek of Grey Eagle Distributors.
